Diseases January 16th, 2020

Stem cells and type 2 diabetes

This video will talk about stem cell and diabetes.

How the stem cells help to improve the diabetes?

Stem cells can help to repair and renew all of the cells in the body. Especially pancreas which is the main reason cause of diabetes. Besides that, stem cells can also help to repair the eyes, the blood vessels of the heart, the brain cells, the nervous system and kidney of the diabetes patient.

Let’s see how the stem cells help to improve the health of the diabetes patient?

Firstly, the stem cells go and repair the pancreas. Inside the pancreas, there is one kind of cell called beta cell which is responsible for the release of the hormone called insulin. The hormone insulin is released when the sugar level in the blood is high. The insulin can stimulate the receptor of the cell and let the cell take the glucose from the blood and let the cell function.

When the beta cells cannot function well because of the diabetes, the insulin and glucose level in the blood is imbalanced. It makes the glucose level in the blood increase and make the diabetes more worse. Stem cells can repair the beta cells in the pancreas. So the beta cells can function normally and produce the insulin again. When the insulin and glucose level is balanced, many diseases that happened because of the high blood sugar can be better and treated.

Stem cells can repair not only the pancreas but also the eyes of the diabetes patient.

Because most of the problems of the eyes come from high blood sugar.

High blood sugar level makes the blood vessels in the eye weak and it can make the blood vessels burst. When the blood vessels burst, the blood will be coming out and make the vision of the diabetes blurred and finally blind.

For the stem cells, they can make the blood vessels of the eye stronger and prevent from the burst of the blood vessels.

Besides the eyes, stem cells can also help the heart and the brain of the diabetes patient.

High blood sugar in the blood can make the blood vessels of the heart burst and poor the blood circulation of the heart. So the muscle of the heart cannot function very well. When the condition is more serious, the dead of the heart muscle can happen. ( Ischemia)

Also the same in the brain. When the blood vessels of the brain burst because of the high blood sugar, the blood will come out into the brain and if more serious, it can make patient dead.

Stem cells has the ability to repair the blood vessels of the heart and the brain.

Moreover, stem cells can also help to repair the nervous system of the diabetes patient.

There are a lot of blood vessels on the surface of the nerves. When the blood vessels of the nerve have problem because of the diabetes, the patient will have the feeling of pain and numbness at the feet and fingers. So the patient will not have any feeling when he has wound at these areas. He will not take care of the wound since there is no sensation. Finally, the patient will reach the stage of amputation ( Cut of the extremities of the hand and foot)

When the stem cells repair the blood vessels of the nerves, that means that the nervous system is also been repaired. The numbness and the pain sensation will also get better and improved.